Today (21 August) is the first day of the new academic year at the University of Macau (UM). The various faculties, residential colleges, and administrative departments were busy welcoming old and new students. Some upperclassmen shared study tips with the freshmen and told them how to make the most of the resources on campus in order to know themselves and expand their networks. Many freshmen were very excited about the four years ahead, saying that they hope to work hard, learn from each other, and surpass themselves.
Becca Tang, a fourth-year student from the Department of Government and Public Administration and a member of the Honours College, just returned from her six-month study at Boston College in the United States. Tang says UM provides many learning opportunities for the students, which have allowed her to meet people from different backgrounds, including world-renowned scholars. She believes these experiences will prove beneficial when she goes abroad for further studies. Oscar Ng is a third-year student from the Faculty of Law, majoring in the Bachelor of Law in Chinese Language programme. Many of his professors are experienced legal experts, who have provided valuable guidance in his studies. His faculty also regularly invites experts to give lectures, which helps to expose him to different viewpoints. Through two years of studies, Ng not only has grown more mature, but has also learned to look at things from different perspectives. This year, Ng will become a residential assistant because he loves event planning. Being a residential assistant will allow him to serve his fellow students and entitles him to a 50% reduction of the accommodation fee, which will ease the financial burden on his family.
A first-year student surnamed Chu from the Faculty of Education feels both excited and nervous about UM’s English teaching environment. As a graduate of a Chinese secondary school, she is very interested in learning in this new environment. Having spent a lot of time reading English novels during the summer holiday to improve her English, Chu feels confident that given time she will be able to adjust to English-medium education. Chu is also very impressed with the first lecture delivered by the rector. She adds that besides acquiring specialised knowledge in her major, she also hopes to learn to be a humble and tolerant person. Mok, a new student majoring in pre-primary education, says the residential college (RC) feels like a home because old and new students live in the college together and learn from each other. She looks forward to participating in the various activities in the RC and hopes to learn to be an independent person. She says that among all higher education institutions in Macao, only UM can provide these resources for students.
In order to help new students prepare for university life, UM has organised a series of orientation activities since mid-August, including general briefing sessions, orientation sessions organised by the various faculties and residential colleges, as well as information sessions and parties.