Chief Executive Edmund Ho said at Leipzig that Macao and Leipzig had the conditions to be sister cities. Mr. Ho arrived at Leipzig on the third day of his German visit. He attended a banquet host by the Leipzig Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday (15 September) evening (Leipzig time) and took a sight seeing tour in the old part of the city afterward. He said that Leipzig was impressive with its unique architectures and friendly people. He said that Leipzig and Macao are similar in size and economic structure and the two cities may hopefully form closer cooperation ties in the future. Mr. Ho said that he had proposed to the Mayor of Leipzig, Mr. Wolfgang Tiefensee during the dinner that the two cities be sister cities. On Thursday morning, Mr. Ho met with Mr. Tiefensee over breakfast and then visited a manufacturing plant of Porsche. In the Afternoon, he will visit the Leipzig Fair and then leave for Wiesbaden where he will meet with the Minister of State of the Hessen Federal State Government, Mr. Stefan Gruttner on Friday Morning.