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Chief Executive Continues Visit in Germany

Chief Executive Edmund Ho today (15 September) continued his visit in Berlin where he meets with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics and Labour, Dr. Alfred Tacke. Mr. Ho updated Dr. Tacke on the latest development of China and Macao in which Dr. Tacke had shown much interest. Mr. Ho reiterated in the meeting that Macao could be a platform for German enterprises to enter the Mainland China market, especially the Pan-Pearl River Delta Market. During his second day in the German Capital, Mr. Ho had visited the German National Parliament, and the Reichstag building. In the afternoon, Mr. Ho and the delegation left Berlin for Leipzig where they attended a banquet host by the Leipzig chamber of Commerce. Tomorrow (16 September), Mr. Ho and the delegation will meet with the mayor of Leipzig, Mr. Wolfgang Tiefensee and businessmen from Leipzig. They will also visit a manufacturing plant of Porsche in Leipzig and the Leipzig Fair.

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