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Vice Premier Wu Yi arrives in Macao

The Vice Premier, Ms Wu Yi, arrived in the Macao SAR this afternoon to officially open the Macao 2005, 4th East Asian Games, at the Macao Stadium. Ms Wu’s plane landed at Macao International Airport about 1:20 p.m and she was met by the Chief Executive, Edmund Ho Hau Wah, secretaries and principal officials of the Macao SAR. A student also presented her with bouquet in the arrival hall. The Vice Premeir was accompanied by the Minister of the General Administration of Sports, Mr Liu Peng; Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region, Mr Bai Zhijian: Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Chen Zhuoer: and Deputy secretary-general of the State Council, Mr Xu Shaoshi. Also greeting Ms Wu at the airport were the President of the MSAR Legislative Assembly, Ms Susana Chou; Secretaries and principal officials of the MSAR Government: Ms Florinda Chan, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, Mr Fernando Chui Sai On and the Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the MSAR, Mr Wan Yongxiang. After a short rest, Ms. Wu met with the Chief Executive, Mr Ho and representatives of Mainland officials based in Macao, the commander of the Macao Garrison Troops of the People’s Liberation Army and the representatives of Mainland companies in Macao. During the meeting, she praised the contributions made by the Mainland companies to Macao’s economic development and urged them to promote co-operation between the Mainland and Macao, especially in the scope of CEPA. The Vice Premier also visited the Wine Museum and Handover Gifts Museum of Macao, during her brief visit.

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