The MSAR Government is firmly committed to the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage so that future generations would be proud of the legacy of Macao, the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today. Mr Ho was speaking at the Opening Ceremony of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Children’s Performing Arts Festival of East Asia 2005. “I would like to take this opportunity to express our heart-felt thanks and highest regards to UNESCO for their consistent support in our endeavours in education, science, culture, and especially in our successful world heritage application,” said Mr Ho. He said the successful inscription of ‘The Historic Centre of Macao’ on ‘UNESCO’s World Heritage List’ clearly indicated that the lifestyle and community model held so dear by the people of Macao people is now recognised by the world. “The inscription evidences the universal significance of the humanistic values of openness, tolerance, equality, harmony and the unique historical experience of Macao,” Mr Ho said. He said the Historic Centre of Macao’ belonged not only to Macao, but also to the whole world and all humanity. And like the shining guiding principle of UNESCO, this precious historic legacy will glow with the traditional wisdom of coexistence with differences and unity, which embraced diversity for mankind.