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Macao enterprises take part in 2.4 billion Patacas worth of PPRD joint ventures

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, today attended the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation Fair and Contract Signing Ceremony in Chengdu, Sichuan, before leaving for the popular Jiuzai Valley. The Secretary for Economic and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, led the Macao business delegation, which comprised 204 officials and entrepreneurs, to take part in the fair, which is regarded as one of the most important components of the forum. During the Contract Signing Ceremony, the Macao delegation signed agreements on 14 joint ventures with business organisations from the Pan-Pearl River Delta (PPRD), with a total value of about MOP2.4 billion. Three specialised forums were held this morning, namely “Exploiting financial market in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region”, “Development of modern logistic in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region” and “Intelligence properties protection in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region”. The Macao business delegation attended all three forums. Meanwhile, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) built a Macao SAR Booth jointly with other government departments and business organisations. A presentation with the theme of ‘jointly trading in PPRD and Portuguese-speaking countries’ was introduced to the mainland businessmen who want to promote the advantages of using Macao as business platform and to facilitate contacts with the local business sector. The Chief Executive and the Macao delegation will visit Deyang and Guanghan, and the local business sectors tomorrow. Mr Ho will return to Macao in the evening after attending a banquet to be hosted by the Chengdu municipal government.

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