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Sharing of tourism resource promotes integrated development

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today it was essential to promote tourism resource-sharing in the Pan-Pearl River Delta to achieve integrated development. Mr Ho, who is leading a delegation to Chengdu, Sichuan, for the second Pan-Pearl River Delta Cooperation and Development Forum, met the press together with the other Governors and Chief Executives this afternoon. He said the listing of Macao’s Historic Centre as World Cultural Heritage demonstrated Macao’s historical significance in culture that merged East and West. This also helped in promoting Macao internationally and had a realistic significance in Macao’s tourism development. Mr Ho said the development of tourism co-operation was an important part of Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional co-operation, and, instead of selfishly seeing tourism resources as competitive advantages, it would be more appropriate to co-operate with other members in the region and develop a relation based on resources-sharing, interactions and complements. Mr Ho said the future of the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional tourism would definitely be a situation of integrated development, which would not be possible without integrated competitiveness. The listing of Macao’s Historic Centre as World Cultural Heritage would also contribute to the overall development of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region.

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