The Statistics and Census Service released the preliminary results of the By-census 2006 conducted this August, as follows: Information from the By-census 2006 indicated that the resident population of Macao was 502,000 on 19 August 2006, which increased by 15.4% in comparison with the Census 2001; the average annual growth rate was 2.9%. Among the resident population, 48.8% were male and 51.2% were female. The higher ratio of the female population is mainly attributable to the fact that about 60.0% of the non-resident workers and immigrants were female. In terms of age structure, the youth population aged 0-14 shared 15.2% of the total, while the proportion of the elderly population aged 65 and above was 7.0%. Analysed by Parish, the resident population living in the Nossa Senhora de Fátima Parish reached 201,000 that accounted for 40.0% of the total, which was followed by the Santo António Parish, with 113,000 persons (22.5%). Taipa Island logged 63,000 persons, sharing 12.6% of the total resident population. More detailed information on the population’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the By-census 2006 will be available in April 2007. In addition, the estimates of resident population after Census 200l will be revised accordingly based on the results of the By-census 2006.