The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, will deliver his Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2007 on 16 November (Thursday). The session, to be held in the Legislative Assembly at 3 pm, will be followed by a press conference at 5 pm in Government Headquarters. These will be broadcasted live on the Portal Website of the Macao SAR ( and the website of the Legislative Assembly ( Chinese and Portuguese versions of the Policy Address will be available on the websites. On 17 November (Friday), Mr Ho will attend a plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly to answer questions raised by the legislators. Teledifusão de Macao and Radio Macao will also carry live broadcasts of the Policy Address, the press conference and the plenary meeting. On 20 November (Monday), the Legislative Assembly will discuss the budget of the Government for the Fiscal Year 2007. From 22 November (Wednesday) to 1 December (Friday), the five Secretaries will attend five sessions of plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly, to introduce their policies and answer the legislators' questions.