Information from the Statistics and Census Service shows that there were 1,242 industrial establishments operating in 2005, a decrease of 32 units (-2.5%) over 2004. Total number of persons engaged was 35,745, down 4.9%. Gross output and gross value added amounted to MOP15.906 billion (-5.4%) and MOP3.924 billion (-0.2%) respectively compared with 2004. In the manufacturing sector, there were 1,238 establishments engaging 34,688 persons, which represented decreases of 2.5% and 5.2% respectively over 2004. Analyzed by size of establishments, the 967 establishments (78.1% of the total) with less than 30 persons engaged employed 19.2% of the total workforce, with 6,657 persons. In contrast, the 85 establishments (6.9% of the total) with 100 or more persons engaged absorbed 49.1% of the total workforce, with 17,018 persons. Gross output of the manufacturing sector registered a year-on-year decrease of 10.8% to MOP12.633 billion; gross value added amounted to MOP2.55 billion, down 1.6%. Manufacture of wearing apparel and manufacture of textiles accounted for the biggest shares of the manufacturing sector, with gross output reaching MOP7.704 billion (-12.5%) and MOP2.0 billion (-29.5%), and gross value added amounting to MOP1.469 billion (-5.0%) and MOP306 million (-23.9%) respectively. There were 3 electricity, gas and water supply establishments operating in 2005, with 1,032 persons engaged, up 4.0% over 2004. Gross output increased by 23.4% to MOP3.254 billion, while gross value added rose by 2.8% to MOP1.364 billion.