Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that due to the implementation of various large-scale construction projects in 2005, the construction sector registered significant increases in all principal indicators. Overall, there were 1,419 establishments operating in licensed construction works, a year-on-year increase of 29.4%; gross output (sum of the total value of works performed plus other receipts) and gross value added amounted to MOP19.522 billion and MOP2.954 billion, up 114.9% and 104.7% over 2004 respectively. Number of persons engaged totalled 15,986 (excluding labour-only sub-contractors and their employees), up 52.6% compared with 2004. Among the 355 main contractors, 130 were engaged in the construction of buildings and civil engineering, with their census output amounted to MOP12.889 billion (84.7% of the total census output of all main contractors). Moreover, 70 were engaged in special installation and their respective census output was MOP1.136 billion (7.4% of the total). Amongst the 997 licensed construction projects, 498 were government projects and 499 were private construction projects, representing 20.1% (MOP3.903 billion) and 79.9% (MOP15.485 billion) of the total census output repectively. In terms of the location of construction, the Macao Peninsula topped with 798 operations (80.0% of the total) of which the majority were located in the parish of Sé, with 322 operations (32.3% of the total). Analyzed by the end-use of the completed construction, 55 were hotels, gaming and tourism facilities, while 196 were residential facilities, which accounted for 63.1% and 10.8% of the total census output respectively. Total consumption of the establishments incurred in 2005 was MOP16.568 billion. Among the components, 61.7% were payments to fee sub-contractors; 27.8% were consumption of materials, supplies and maintenance services, and remaining 10.5% were rentals for buildings, machinery and equipment, as well as payments for architectural design, surveying, project management and other contractual services.