Information from Statistics and Census Service indicated that Tourist Price Index (TPI) for the second quarter of 2006 was 120.04, up by 4.15% over the previous quarter. Higher prices in jewellery on account of rising gold prices pushed the index of Miscellaneous goods to grow by 11.23%. Indices of Clothing & footwear and Accommodation rose by 6.65% and 5.86% respectively, which were attributable to new arrivals of Summer clothing, as well as the increasing charges of hotel accommodation during Easter holidays and Labour Day “Golden Week”. On the other hand, Entertainment & culture was the only section that recorded a decrease (-0.83%) in the index, as a result of lower charges in the night clubs. Compared with the second quarter of 2005, TPI rose by 11.27%, with notable increase in the indices of Miscellaneous goods (+29.08%), Accommodation (+27.75%), and Clothing & footwear (+6.23%). The average TPI for the 4 quarters ended in the 2nd quarter of 2006 rose by 5.08% over the previous period. In the first half of 2006, TPI increased by 7.89% over the same period of 2005. TPI is an indicator that reflects the price changes of goods and services purchased by visitors, which is compiled based on the consumption pattern of visitors derived from the Visitor Expenditure Survey. TPI covers 8 sections of goods and services, namely Food, alcoholic drinks & tobacco; Clothing & footwear; Accommodation; Restaurant service; Transport & communications; Medicine & personal goods; Entertainment & culture; and Miscellaneous goods. The base year of TPI is from July 1999 to June 2000.