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Results of the Retail Sales Survey for the 4th Quarter 2005

Information from the Statistics and Census Service shows that value of total retail sales was estimated at MOP2.34 billion. The highest value was in the sales of motor vehicles (15% of the total); followed by sales of goods in department stores (12%); watches, clocks and jewellery (11%); goods in supermarkets (11%); adults' clothing (9%); automotive fuels (6%); fuels for household use (5%); cosmetic and sanitary articles (4%); goods in pharmacies (4%); and household electric appliances (4%). In this quarter, value of retail sales rose by 7% compared with MOP2.19 billion recorded in the third quarter of 2005. In comparison with the fourth quarter of 2004 (MOP2.16 billion), value of retail sales registered an 8% growth. Attributed to the continuous prosperity of the tourism sector and stable economic growth of Macao, the annual retail sales for 2005 registered an all-time record of MOP8.78 billion, up by 17% over 2004, with notable increases in the retail sales of cosmetic and sanitary articles (+40%); adults' clothing (+38%); automotive fuels (+36%); fuels for household use (+30%); and household electric appliances (+30%), etc. A comparison of the retailers’ opinions indicated that about 22% reported decrease in the sales volume in the fourth quarter of 2005, down by 19 percentage points over the third quarter; 78% reported constant or increase in sales volume. In terms of retail prices, 60% and 24% reported constant and increase in retail prices whereas 16% reported decrease. Compared with the same quarter of 2004, about 69% said that the stock level was normal in the fourth quarter of 2005, while 14% indicated that the stock level was low. Regarding the prospect for the first quarter of 2006, about 72% of the retailers predicted increase or constant in sales volume, 28% predicted decrease. Meanwhile, about 79% forecasted constant or increase in retail prices, while 21% forecasted decrease.

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