The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Lau Si Io, said the MSAR Government would refer to the experience from other neighboring regions for introducing corruption prevention mechanism in large-scale public infrastructure project. Being asked by the media how would the Government ensure the incorruptibility of any large-scale project, such as the Macao Light Rail Transit system (LRT), Mr Lau replied that Hong Kong and Beijing had lots of practical experience that was worthy for Macao to take as reference. He said he would assign the people who were in charge the project of LRT to those places for learning the effective corruption prevention mechanism, adding that they would also work closer with the Commission Against Corruption. Mr Lau said in his speech that the areas of transport and public works involved different levels connecting with people's living; hence, his team should serve the public and has responsibility over their work. He said that increasing the transparency of decision-making was one way to ensure citizens' rights to know. Therefore, he pledged to increase the transparency of his policies so that the public might watch over the government's work.