The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, today confirmed that Banco Delta Asia had remitted a sum of over 20 million US dollar out of Macao. The money is from dozens of accounts and the remittance was done according to instruction of several dozens clients from Democratic People's Republic of Korea, said Mr Tam at a public occasion. ''The affairs had come to an end for Macao,'' he said. When asked by reporters, He said he could not disclose where the money was sent as transaction was private matters between the bank and clients. Mr Tam said the SAR Government's management over the bank had been extended to September this year and the operation of the bank is normal and stable now. He maintained the Government regretted the US Treasury's so-called sanction over Banco Delta Asia. ''The Bank had officially appealed against the US Treasury Department's sanctions,'' said Mr Tam.