Information from the Statistics and Census Service showed that, in the first quarter of 2007, the overall average daily nominal wage of construction workers was MOP533, of which the average wage of skilled workers & semi-skilled workers was MOP556 and unskilled workers MOP349. Among the various occupations of skilled workers & semi-skilled workers, the average daily nominal wage of plant operators was the highest, reaching MOP621. The overall nominal wage index increased 3.8% from the previous quarter. The nominal wage index of skilled workers & semi-skilled workers rose 3.3%, and that of unskilled workers was up 7.1%. In terms of occupation of skilled workers & semi-skilled workers, the nominal wage index of plant operators rose the most, up 15.6%, followed by concreters and drain layers and painters, up 14.1% and 12.0% respectively, whereas that of iron workers registered the largest decline, down 5.9%. In addition, the overall real wage index increased 2.5% over the preceding quarter. The real wage index of skilled workers & semi-skilled workers rose 2.1%, and that of unskilled workers went up 5.7%. Compared with the first quarter of 2006, the overall real wage index increased 7.4%, of which the index of skilled workers & semi-skilled workers rose 7.6%, and that of unskilled workers went up 5.9%.