Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Tourist Price Index (TPI) for the first quarter of 2007 was 126.68, up by 3.63% over the previous quarter. All the section indices moved upwards. Attributable to price increases of jewellery and watches, the index of Miscellaneous goods rose most significantly by 5.78%. On account of the higher price of air ticket, the index of Transport and communications went up by 3.71%. The indices of Restaurant service and Accommodation increased by 3.66% and 2.90% respectively, due to upward prices of restaurant food and hotel rooms during the Chinese New Year. Compared with the first quarter of 2006, TPI rose by 9.91% in this quarter, with notable increases in the indices of Miscellaneous goods (+18.98%), Accommodation (+14.03%), and Clothing & footwear (+7.84%). The average TPI for the last 4 quarters ended in the 1st quarter of 2007 increased by 9.93% over the previous period. TPI is an indicator that reflects the price changes of goods and services purchased by visitors, which is compiled based on the consumption pattern of visitors derived from the Visitor Expenditure Survey. TPI covers 8 sections of goods and services, namely Food, alcoholic drinks & tobacco; Clothing & footwear; Accommodation; Restaurant service; Transport & communications; Medicine & personal goods; Entertainment & culture; and Miscellaneous goods. The base year of TPI is from July 1999 to June 2000.