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Women's role on the rise, says Chief Executive

Women in Macao are playing more important roles in promoting the economy and public affairs, the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today. Speaking at a reception hosted by the Women's General Association of Macau to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD), Mr Ho said as Macao's economy continued to expand, more and more women have entered the workforce, making the most out of their potential and forging ahead in their careers. They have also devoted their efforts to public affairs, putting their attention not only on family and female issues, but also on state matters and the development of the city. Mr Ho said he believed that the increasing participation of women in social affairs would help reach consensus in different issues for the community and promote a harmonious society in Macao. Moreover, Mr Ho praised the host's efforts in promoting its services to the society and he pledged that the Government would continue to support social services associations of its kind for the betterment of the less privileged.

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