The Public Security Police Force today refused the entry of 24 Hong Kong residents at Outer Harbour, in accordance with the regulations of Internal Security Law. The Government issued a statement giving full backing to the police action, stating that “in accordance with Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, it is the Government’s constitutional obligation to begin the legislation of the national security law and it is the internal affairs of the Macao SAR. “Macao welcomes visitors from all parts of the world. During their visits in Macao, they are obliged to respect and observe Macao’s laws and regulations and should not conduct deeds that are not in line with their role as a visitor. “The Government has drafted the National Security bill after thorough study and a long period of preparation. It has been enriched by opinion and suggestions of the public after extensive consultation and has been revised and then submitted to the Legislative Assembly by the Government recently.” The Public Security Police Force also issued a press release soon after the action taken about noon, stating that it is the police force’s responsibility to reject the entry of ineligible non-residents in order to maintain security and public order.