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Institute For Tourism Studies Culinary Demonstration LE CORDON BLEU Master Chef Week

Institute For Tourism Studies (IFT) has the honour in inviting Executive Chef Marc Bonard, of the LE CORDON BLEU Japan Culinary Arts Schools to feature the “LE CORDON BLEU Master Chef Week at IFT”. LE CORDON BLEU, one of the leading school for teaching classical French cuisine, patisserie and boulangerie was established in Paris, France in 1895. Over the last century, LE CORDON BLEU has developed a reputation for maintain the highest standards of culinary excellence. Executive Chef Marc Bonard, originally from the town of Quillan in the Languedoc region of France, received B.E.P. in Cuisine from the Lycee Hotelier in Tain L’Hermitage. He was appointed as Chef de Cuisine of Le Cordon Bleu Brasserie in 2001 and joined LE CORDON BLEU TOKYO in 2007, expertise in teaching French culinary technique with Japanese ingredients. Executive Chef Marc Bonard will demonstrate the finest in classic French cuisine reinterpreted in a modern and innovative context, including a number of plate decoration arts. Chef Bonard aims to offer participants an exclusive gastronomic programme and to allow them to experience superb dishes tantalising their senses throughout this one week French Master Chef Programme. The International Culinary Academy @ IFT endeavours to bring in new culinary elements and exchange opportunities with international prestigious institutions to Macao. It is believed the local arts in culinary can be brought to a new horizon. The “LE CORDON BLEU Master Chef Week at IFT” will take place from 01 to 05 December with different topics on each day, including plate decoration art concept and execution, French and fusion cuisine demonstration.

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