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New Executive Council appointees

In accordance with the Basic Law, the Third-term Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, has completed the formation of the Executive Council of the Third-term MSAR Government. A press statement released by Mr Chui’s office today listed the members as follows: Ms Florinda Chan;
Mr Leong Heng Teng;
Mr Liu Chak Wan;
Mr Ma Iao Lai;
Mr Leonal Alberto Alves;
Mr Cheang Chi Keong;
Mr Leong Vai Tac;
Mr Chan Meng Kam;
Ms Ho Sut Heng, and
Mr Wong Yue Kai. The first seven are incumbent members of the current Executive Council. They will take the oath of office on 20 December, when an executive order confirming the appointment will be gazetted. The function of the Exeuctive Council is to assist the Chief Executive in policymaking. Mr Chui said he believed that they would serve Macao and fulfil their duties with integrity, according to the statement.

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