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Free shuttle bus service for Kart Grand Prix

The organizers of the “Macau International Kart Grand Prix - 46th CIK-FIA World Karting Championship” will provide a free shuttle bus service on Saturday and Sunday to facilitate transportation of residents and visitors between city center and the karting track in Coloane. The bus stand at the city center is located nearby Macau Square and Banco Luso Internacional, at Av. Dr. Mário Soares. On Saturday the shuttle bus schedule is from 10:00 (depart from Macau) until 20:00 (arrival in Macau), and Sunday the free bus services runs between 10:00 (depart from Macau) and 18:00 (arrival in Macau). The entrace to watch the races is free. The CIK-FIA World Karting Championship is world’s top kart event, and this will be the first time it has been held in Asia. The world championship will be disputed among around 170 kart drivers coming from Europe and Asia. The Macau International Kart Grand Prix is organized by the Automobile General Association Macao-China, and is supported by the Macao Sports Development Board and the Macau Government Tourist Office. This press release is available at:

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