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Splendid Fireworks Display Contest Comes to a Fruitful End

Tamaya Art Pyro Technics from Japan netted the top prize, while Italy’s La Tirrena Fireworks and Philippines’s Platinum Fireworks, Inc. took second and third places in the 21st Macau International Fireworks Display Contest at a ceremony held at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center on October 1. Macau Government Tourist Director João Manuel Costa Antunes presented the trophy and prize to the winner. Cash prize to the winner is US$8,000, while prizes to the first and second runners-up are US$4,000 and US$2,500 respectively. The contest this year featured ten teams from Spain, Korea, Chinese Taiwan, France, Italy, the Philippines, Japan, Portugal, Austria and China. To celebrate this 21st edition, MGTO has purposely invited teams with distinguished performances in international contests. Teams from France, Italy and Austria who joined the event for the first time matched their fireworks skills with veterans from Chinese Taiwan, Japan and Korean. Mr. Antunes noted in his speech that MGTO will continue to enhance the quality and attractiveness of the contest to boost its charm as a must-see annual event in Macau. The organizer arranged China's Hunan Jixiu Fireworks Manufacturing & Display Company to present the last fireworks show to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. Crowds of residents and visitors enjoyed the fireworks during the National Day holiday at various spots of Macau and Taipa, adding festive and joyful atmosphere to the city. This year again, each participating team is requested to complement their display with music. Each team used different kinds of music, ranging from classical or folk music to contemporary music, coupled with special themes and features to enthrall the audience. Organized by Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO), the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest has a history of 21 years and receives wide accolades and recognitions. The annual glamorous fireworks displays, together with the colorful activities, have become a signature event that brings splendid experience to the public and visitors in Macau. To add festive atmosphere to the fireworks display contest, MGTO and the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau jointly presented the Fireworks Carnival on the shorefront beside the Macau Tower on each of the fireworks display nights, offering an array of live entertainment, cultural activities and culinary delights.

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