Macao reported 13 new Influenza A (H1N1) cases today, including a pregnant woman who is believed to have contracted the virus when attending a wedding. The 13 patients, six males and seven female, were aged between two and 54. Three of the new cases had attended a wedding banquet on 29 August together with four other people who had been tested positive for the virus yesterday. The Health Bureau concluded that most cases from mid-June to mid-July contracted the virus from family members, while most of the new cases in the recent fortnight caught the virus at workplace or gathering. The Bureau urged people with flu symptoms to stay home and do not go to workplace, school or attend any gathering, while people with chronic disease should avoid crowded places. The total number of Influenza A (H1N1) cases in Macao amounted to 217 today. Meanwhile, two patients had recovered and were discharged from hospital today. There were still 19 patients receiving treatment. Macao’s pandemic alert remained at Level VI, Blue, which indicated that there were no fatal cases and the spread of the virus was moderate.