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“2009 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair” is Now Opened

Mr. Edmund Ho, Chief Executive of Macao SAR, Ms. Gao Yan, Deputy Director General of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR and Mr. Wan Qingliang, Vice Governor of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province hosted the opening ceremony and visited the Fair. 2009 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair is grandly opening in morning of July 30, at Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Convention and Exhibition Centre. Guests hosted the opening ceremony and visited the Guangdong and Macao branded products enterprise exhibition area in the Fair, officiating guests are Mr. Edmund Ho, Chief Executive of Macao SAR, Ms. Gao Yan, Deputy Director General of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Mr. Wan Qingliang, Vice Governor of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, Mr. Francis Tam Pak Yuen, Secretary for Economy and Finance of Macao SAR, Mr. Song Yanbin, Acting Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR, Mr. Liang Yaowen, Director General of Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province, Dr. Lee Peng Hong, President of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Ms. Gao Li, Representative of the Ministry of Commence of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Hoi Sai Iun, President of Macao Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Chui Sai Cheong, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce and Ms. Dong Jiayang, Chief Representative of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Representative Office in Hong Kong and Macao. “2009 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair” is jointly organized by Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province and Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, under the guidance of Macao Special Administrative Region Government and People’s Government of Guangdong Province. In addition, the Fair invited All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Representative Office and Trade Development Bureau of Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China as special supporting organizations. The Fair is coordinated by Macau Fair & Trade Association, with more than 40 government departments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, trade promotion organizations and business federations as co-organizers. Following the success of the “Western Guangdong Famous Products Fair” jointly organized by Guangdong and Macao which was held in Macao in April 2003, “2009 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair” is another grand event under cooperation between Macao Trade and Investment and Promotion Institute and Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province. This is to tie with the “Framework for Development and Reform Planning for Pearl River Delta Region” and to further implement the “Strengthening and Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement” signed in early March this year. There are 259 exhibition booths in the venue, with 6,000sqm exhibition area; exhibits are special products of Guangdong and Macao, including foods, commodities, electrical appliances and art & crafts. The Fair Creates New Cooperation Opportunities for Guangdong and Macao
Mr. Liang Yanwen, Director General of Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province, delivered a speech during the opening ceremony. Mr. Liang mentioned that since the international financial crisis, Guangdong and Macao have taken implementation of “Framework for Development and Reform Planning for Pearl River Delta Region” as an opportunity, to implement
CEPA in deep, to enhance cooperation of all aspects in all-round, these resulted in fruitful achievements in cross boundary control, economic, trade and service industry etc. Guangdong Province has put this Fair in high priority, organized 121 enterprises from 18 cities in the province to join as exhibitors, setting 191 booths with almost 200 kinds of exhibits. Among these enterprises, many of them are well-known and leading enterprises in Guangdong Province. It is expected that famous brands from Guangdong will be known and became popular among consumers from Macao and all over the world, through this Fair and the advantage of Macao as economic and trade platform. Mr. Liang Yanwen also emphasized, Guangdong and Macao have now get the new cooperation opportunity. In the Guangdong-Macau Joint Conference ended in July 9, it was stated clearly effort will be put to improve contact coordination mechanism, joint organization regional cooperation project planning, comprehensive promotion of cooperation of infrastructure, economic and trade, finance, industry, education training and environment protection. With the close collaboration of the 2 governments and community of Guangdong and Macao, cooperation between Guangdong and Macao will definitely get into the new era. Through Promoting Branded Products of Guangdong and Macao, to Enhance Cooperation and Linkage between 2 Territories
In the speech delivered by Mr. Lee Peng Hong, President of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, he expressed that during “2009 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair”, business matching, purchase negotiation and professional presentation sections etc. are organized to assist exhibitors and buyers to meeting each other and explore the market, while through a series of promotions of branded products of Guangdong and Macao, it is expected that cooperation and linkage between the industries and commercial enterprises on both sides will be further strengthened and a better marketing effect will be obtained, and contribute to the broadening and deepening of economic and trade cooperation between Guangdong and Macao. Jiangmen and IPIM Signed Memorandum, Promote Economic and Trade Cooperation between two Territories
After the opening ceremony, witnessed by officiating guests, People’s Government of Jiangmen and Macao Trade and Promotion Institute signed “Strengthening and Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Memorandum”. According to the agreement, the two parties will increase exchange, build up system for cooperation, promote cooperation in economic and trade; bring the regional advantage to full play, promote prosperity development of the two territories; to fully utilize the role of Macao as the bridge between markets of Portuguese speaking countries and cities, strengthen economic and trade exchange and cooperation between Jiangmen and Macao, and also Portuguese speaking countries, step further in strategic cooperation in exploring international market and creating business opportunities for enterprises of the 2 territories. Cooperation include consultation exchange, trade promotion, also investment and consultation services. The Fair Contributed to 3 Cooperation Agreements on First Exhibition Day
In the first exhibition day, the Fair arranged 153 business matching, achieved 3 signing of projects. Besides the “Strengthening and Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Memorandum” signed by People’s Government of Jiangmen and Macao Trade and Promotion Institute. Macao and Huizhou enterprises signed the agreement to distribute “Danli” (丹荔) brand Laichee wine and “Zhenzhou” (禎州) brand series preserved vegetable in boundary of Macao and Portuguese speaking countries, letter of intend had been signed to have Macao enterprise as agent to distribute new generation smart energy saving devices for lamps and high efficiency energy saving light enhancement devices for lightings from Zhuhai Guo Neng Ding Xin (珠海國能鼎信), signing parties came from Macao and Guangdong cities - Zhuhai and Huizhou. Guangdong Zhenzhou Group Co., Ltd. And Macao International Business Strategy Planning Center Co., Ltd. (澳門國際商務策劃中心有限公司) signed “Agreement on Distributing Food Series in Boundary of Macao and Portugal Countries ” (於澳門及葡萄牙國家範圍內經銷系列食品協議書), Zhuhai Guo Neng Ding Zin Technology Co., Ltd. (珠海國能鼎信科技有限公司) and San Fo Nang Environmental Technology (Macau) Co., Ltd. signed “Agent for Distribution of Energy Saving Products” (代理銷售節能產品) agreement. Moreover, two professional presentation sections were held during the Fair, namely “E-Media and Business Travel in Macau” and “Journey of Charming Gourmet” (滋味滿屋歷程), provided a chance for exhibitors and public to understand the business areas and operation of related enterprises. In the afternoon, Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute and Macao Chamber of Commerce jointly organized “The 14th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair - Macao Small & Medium Enterprises Exhibition – Briefing Session”. The first performance by singers from Hong Kong and Macao invited by organizing committee of the Fair was launched at 7pm. Total transaction amount (Guangdong and Macao) in the first exhibition day reached MOP$1,000,000, 8,000 visitors had visited the Fair in the first exhibition day as of 6pm. People are keen on buying and selling, created a thriving trade scene in the venue. From tomorrow (July 31, Friday) to August 2 (Sunday), “2009 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair” will be opened to public, welcoming everyone to visit the Fair. Special performance will be opened to public in Roman Amphitheatre of Fisherman’s Wharf for free on July 31 (Friday) during 7pm-9pm. Art and cultural performances will be held during 6pm-8pm on August 2. During the debriefing meeting on the first day of the Guandong Macao Branded Products Fair 2009 (GMBPF 2009), Mr. Tony Lam, Chairman of Macau Fair and Trade Association and coordinator of GMBPF 2009 said that in the past when the convention and exhibition industry was at its early stage of development, there were cases of unscrupulous selling of counterfeit and poor quality goods. At that time, MIF’s Organiser, Coordinators and other parties involved strived hard to deal with the problem by liaising with the government departments concerned, following up actively and co-operating with the law enforcement government departments according to the law, to help bring the suspects to trial. The Organiser and Coordinators dealt with the problem seriously with an open attitude and continued to help the consumers who were in need. With past experience in handling selling activities, the Organiser of the subsequent trade fairs had worked together with the government departments concerned, including the Customs, Economics Services, and Consumer Council to set up a complain mechanism to prevent loopholes in trade fairs. Similary, the GMBPF 2009 has the same mechanism. In case where unscrupulous acts are found, it will be directed immediately to the law enforcement government department to eliminate unscrupulous practices, to ensure the service quality of the Fair, for the benefit of the development of Macao’s convention and exhibition industry, and hence promoting economic diversification.
opening ceremonyExhibitor of Macao

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