Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Tourist Price Index (TPI) for the second quarter of 2009 rose by 1.77% year-on-year to 146.09. The price indices of Restaurant Service and Food, Alcoholic Drinks & Tobacco increased notably by 6.29% and 6.10% respectively, which was attributable to rising charges for restaurant service and general increase of food prices. On the contrary, price index of Accommodation registered a year-on-year decrease of 4.75% as a result of lower hotel room rates. The second quarter TPI fell by 1.23% quarter-to-quarter, of which the price indices of Accommodation and Clothing & Footwear dropped by 14.95% and 5.72% respectively. On the other hand, price indices of Miscellaneous Goods and Entertainment & Cultural Activities rose by 2.39% and 1.94% respectively. The average TPI for the last 4 quarters ended the second quarter of 2009 increased by 5.33% over the previous period, with marked increase of the indices of Clothing & Footwear (+11.28%), Restaurant Service (+10.24%) and Food, Alcoholic Drinks & Tobacco (+9.45%). However, price index of Accommodation registered a decrease of 3.50%. For the first half year of 2009, TPI went up by 1.61% year-on-year. TPI reflects the price changes of goods and services purchased by visitors, which is compiled based on the consumption pattern of visitors derived from the Visitor Expenditure Survey. TPI covers 8 sections of goods and services, namely Food, Alcoholic Drinks & Tobacco; Clothing & Footwear; Accommodation; Restaurant Service; Transport & Communications; Medicine & Personal Goods; Entertainment & Cultural Activities; and Miscellaneous Goods. The base year of TPI is from July 1999 to June 2000.