The Inter-departmental Working Group Against “Illegal Guesthouses” launched today (July 1) a promotional campaign to raise awareness of residents and visitors of the potential hazards of staying in illegal accommodation. The first phase of the campaign includes posters against illegal accommodation and a hotline service for related complaints. As of June 24, the Working Group has conducted 28 joint inspections to crack down on illegal accommodation. The Working Group met today to review the progress of work and operations carried out so far, as well as to finalize preparations for the campaign. This was followed by a meeting with representatives of the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau, who were invited to assist in publicizing the campaign against illegal accommodation. The Working Group pointed out that amendments on existing legislation are necessary to put an end to the problem of illegal accommodation. While the legislation for the issue is in an advanced stage of revision, the related governmental departments will continue to take enforcement actions to crack down on illegal accommodation. The campaign launched by the Working Group today, which includes posters distribution and reinforcing Tourism Hotline 28333000 for the reporting on any illegal accommodation cases, seeks to promote awareness among visitors and residents of the problem of illegal accommodation. As of June 24, 2009, the Working Group has carried out 28 joint inspections to combat illegal accommodation. Among the 162 apartments involved, the Working Group could not gain access to 117 apartments while 23 cases were recorded for legal action and 22 were proven to be normal residences. The involved departments echoed that the major obstacle for the inspections was the difficulty to gain access to the suspected apartments. Furthermore, inadequate legal backing and authority to follow up directly with the irregularities were difficulties encountered by the Working Group. Without relevant legal support, the departments were not able to prosecute irregularities that are hazardous to personal and property safety, public health and hygiene, fire safety and environmental conditions detected on site. The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and related departments are working on the amendment of the Decree Law No. 16/96/M (regulation applicable to hotels and similar activities). Amendments to the regulations include, among other clauses, the establishment of a category of illegal activities to characterize illegal accommodation, authorizing inspectors access to the “ suspected apartments”, defining the responsible person who should answer for and bear charges for the irregularities. The Working Group was invited by the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau to take part in a community forum on the problem of illegal accommodation on June 6. Members of the Inter-departmental Working Group Against “Illegal Guesthouses” include the Cabinet of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Macau Government Tourist Office, Public Security Police Force, Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau, Legal Affairs Bureau, Financial Service Bureau, Labor Affairs Bureau, Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Fire Service Bureau, Health Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau and Environmental Protection Bureau.