An American who had taken the same flight with Hong Kong’s sixth confirmed Influenza A (H1N1) victim was kept under medical observation in Macao, the Health Bureau announced today. The man, who had sat close to the patient on flight UA869 from San Francisco to Hong Kong, was in Macao. After receiving reports from Hong Kong’s health authorities, the Health Bureau located the man and asked him to be tested for the virus. He was tested negative but was required to be placed under medical observation until 29 May. The Bureau stressed that he showed no symptoms of illness and was not a patient. Keeping him under medical observation was merely a means to safeguard his health and the public’s and the Bureau expressed gratitude for his co-operation. Meanwhile, the Macao woman under medical observation was in a healthy condition. Her medical observation period would end on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Hospital Conde S. Januário treated 75 children and 19 adults with respiratory illness symptoms today and medical teams at terminals checked body temperatures of more than 118,000 people entering Macao. They also dealt with 109 enquiries To date there is no probable or confirmed human case of influenza A (H1N1) reported in Macao.