The Influenza Pandemic Prevention Coordination Group met today to discuss and to update members on the spread of the influenza A (H1N1) virus across the world and the preventive measures Macao is taking. Group Chairman Mr Chui Sai On, who is also the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, hosted the meeting, which was attended by representatives from 10 departments. The Director of the Health Bureau, Dr Lei Chin Ion, briefed the attendees on the latest development of the outbreak, the characteristics of the influenza A (H1N1) virus, the treatment of confirmed cases by other countries and regions, and Macao’s preventive measures. Meanwhile, three Macao women who were quarantined in Hong Kong for staying at the same hotel where Hong Kong's first confirmed case stayed were reported to be in a healthy condition and had developed no symptoms of illness. A man from Macao who was on the same plane with the confirmed Hong Kong case and quarantined in Taishan, Guangdong, is also in a healthy condition. The quarantine period of these four Macao residents would end on Friday. To date there is no probable or confirmed human case of influenza A (H1N1) reported in Macao. The Hospital Conde S. Januário treated 156 children and 75 adults with respiratory illness today and medical teams at terminals checked body temperatures of more than 140,000 entering Macao. They also dealt with five enquiries, but no unusual case was detected. The Bureau would continue to keep in close touch with the World Health Organization and health authorities of the Mainland and Hong Kong to keep up with latest developments. The Bureau urges residents to maintain good personal hygiene and keep the environment clean. Anyone with a cough, sore throat or fever should wear a face mask and seek treatment at Hospital Conde S. Januário or Kiang Wu Hospital immediately. To strengthen the awareness of influenza A (H1N1) and the necessity of keeping good personal and environmental hygiene in the community, the Health Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, and some other Government departments and more than 10 associations are to launch a one-month promotional campaign on Thursday offering talks, photo exhibitions and booths fair on hygiene and influenza and cleansing programmes. Taxi drivers will be asked to clean their vehicles too.