The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Cheong U, arrived in Taipei today and met the President of the Friends of Hong Kong and Macao Association and Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), Mr Tseng Yung-Chuan. Mr Cheong extended the greetings of the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, to Mr Tseng and said he wished to learn more about Taiwan’s tourism, culture, health and creative industries and boost co-operation between Macao and Taiwan on all fronts. Mr Tseng welcomed Mr Cheong and said he was glad for the upcoming promotional Macao Week in Taiwan. He said Macao and Taiwan had maintained close relations and currently there were about 20,000 Macao people working in Taiwan. He also suggested the establishment of flights between Macao and Taichung, in addition to present flights to Taipei and Kaohsiung.