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Estrada de Sede Tanques in Taipa: the new Instrument Guidance System was carried out according to renewal plan and the building height is within limits stipulated by aeronautical restriction regulation

With reference to some media reports on the new Instrument Guidance System in Estrada de Sede Tanques in Taipa, due to the fact that some of the description was not accurate, AACM takes this opportunity to provide the following factual information: Most of the systems operated by Macau International Airport have been running for more than 10 years. For this reason, the airport has been working on the renewal of the systems since some years ago, including the installation of the new Instrument Guidance System (IGS). During the planning stage of the renewal of the new IGS, as the residence construction plan belonging to a private developer might have interference on the signals transmitted by the original IGS, the private developer proposed to CAM-Macau International Airport Company Ltd. that they could assist CAM in removing and renewing the original IGS in advance. Following the agreement between CAM and the private developer in cost settlement as well as following the assessment done in compliance with the safety standards of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) by AACM, CAM, Administration of Airports, Ltd. and other relevant entities on the new site, it was agreed among all relevant entities that the new site will not affect the flight procedures. AACM then provided technical guidance to CAM on the system design in accordance with the ICAO requirement on the subject. The construction of the project was completed in 2008 and launched in August 2009. The operation has been satisfactory. Considering that the costs for personnel training and flight checks should not be settled by government money or CAM’s budget but by the private developer being the constructor of the new system, AACM and CAM requested the private developer to arrange the respective training and flight checks. To ensure aviation safety, the construction and the personnel training of the new IGS was carried out under the close monitoring of the Authority and all relevant airport entities, In what regards whether the heights of the buildings in Estrada de Sede Tanques in Taipa would affect aviation safety, according to Portaria No. 233/95/M of 14 August, the heights of the buildings in that area are within the limits as stipulated in the Portaria, as well as within the limits restricted for the COTAI area.

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