Since the law on "Prohibition of Providing Illegal Accommodation" took effect on August 13 2010, the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) has sealed a total of 142 premises suspected to provide accommodation illegally. One more management staff was seized and three occupants failed to fulfill their duty of cooperation. Inspections involved investigations to a total of 661 occupants of premises suspected to provide accommodation illegally, including 36 overstayers and 29 illegal immigrants, whose cases are being follow up by police authorities. Macau Government Tourist Office has waged a total of 142 sanctions and 29 operators who provided accommodation illegally were fined 200 000 patacas each according to the law on "Prohibition of Providing Illegal Accommodation". To date, two operators have voluntarily paid the fine of 200 000 patacas within the statutory period. At the same time, 21 occupants who failed to fulfill their duty of cooperation were fined 3,000 patacas each, among which nine have already paid the fine. For those who failed to pay the fine within the statutory period, MGTO has notified the Financial Services Bureau to enforce the collection of fine and informed PSP to deny reentry of the involved persons into Macau if they are non-residents. MGTO, together with PSP, will carry on operation to crack down illegal accommodation. Staff of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) continues to check the premises to ensure they remain sealed and supply of water and electricity suspended. MGTO stressed that damaging the seal and resuming supply of water and electricity is a criminal offence which will be submitted to judicial entity for follow up.