In order to raise the Culture and Creativity atmosphere around the campus and to let the staff, students and public get to know more about Acrylic Painting, IFT is going to hold an exhibition on campus in IFT Educational Restaurant showcasing art work by Acrylic Painting class participants from 17 to 30 June. There will be more than 20 pieces of painting displayed during the period. On the first day of the exhibition, class participants who painted the drawings, lecturers and some journalists were invited to join together for sharing the fruitful result from their learning. The exhibition opens to the public from 12:00 to 22:30, Monday to Friday, in the exhibiting period. All are welcome. IFT has been offering the Community and Education Development Programme (CEDP) since September 2009. It aims to provide relevant knowledge and essential trainings for those who are interested in the tourism and service industry. It also expands the human resources pool for the industry and improves the general quality of Macao citizens which is in line with Macao Government's Lifelong Learning Policy. In order to cope with the government policy of promoting Culture and Creativity Industry in Macao, the CEDP began offering a variety of culture and creativity courses for the public in 2010. These courses combine theory studies and practice, which enable the participants to master the techniques. The Institute has received excellent feedback from participants who have attended the Culture and Creativity courses. Registrations of these courses are satisfactory. The total number of participants of related courses in 2010/2011 academic year is over 550 persons. In addition, CEDP works closely with more than twenty local associations and industry partners and orgainses collaborative courses as per their requests. As one of the motivation to encourage the participants to study hard and stimulate their creativity, IFT has organised similar art exhibitions to showcase their art work. IFT is planning to hold an integrated exhibition at the showroom on First Floor of Pavilhao de Exposicoes e Espectaculos Artisticos para Jovens from 5 -21 July for the display of CEDP Culture and Creativity students' (under 29 years old) art work. The exhibition will include art work from courses like Photography, Mosaic Art, Creative Acrylic Painting, 3D Paper Modeling, Macao Souvenir Design, Silver Clay Art, etc. Through this public exhibition, we hope to let the public know more about our Culture and Creativity courses and also to share students artistic achievements. The exhibition opens from 12:00 to 20:00, Tuesday to Sunday. All are welcome.
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