Consumer Council conducted a specific price survey report on rice on 9th June. In comparison with last season's figures, stability in price was shown in the current report. Consumers may access the "Supermarket Price Information Platform" on the Council's website to view and compare the resources. In the current report dated 9th June, prices of most Thai rice brands recorded are the same as those recorded in March; slight price increase was recorded only for a few brands selling in several retail outlets. Japanese rice brand 'Fuji Pearl Rice (5kg)' recorded an average price increase of over 6% between the seasons; significant price decrease, ranging from 22% to 5%, was recorded for Australian rice brand 'Double Ram Australian Calrose Rice (5kg)' due to price differences between different outlets. Consumer Council has optimized its website with regard to the online search of data on its "Supermarket Price Survey Report" and "Specific Price Survey Report". Consumers can choose the items of their interest and use its online search function to interactively compare the retail prices of their chosen items at various retail outlets. The said report is now available on the Council's website. Further, materials of the 'Smart Consumption' photo exhibition have been displayed at various locations including Macao Central Library and other organizations since March and parts of the materials will be exhibited from 13th to 30th June at IACM's Municipal Market Complex of S. Domingos. Consumer Council will continue the 'Smart Consumption' photo exhibition, interested organizations and schools may contact the Council at 8988 9315.