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Consumer Council conducted a test on the accuracy of fuel meters at gas stations in Macau

Consumer Council conducted a test on the accuracy of fuel meters at gas stations in Macau. Among all the fuel meters located in 18 gas stations, accuracy of 1 tested specimen exceeded the standard requirement; overall pass rate of the test amounted to 94%. The Zhuhai Supervision Testing Institute of Quality and Metrology was commissioned to conduct the mentioned test based on the national standard JJG 443-2006 for petrol machines. According to the standard requirement, each fuel meter needs to be tested thrice consecutively in order to calculate the difference between the actual output volume of fuel and the volume stated on the meter; such differences should not exceed ±0.3%. The test was conducted by filling 20 litres of petrol into the testing container from one randomly selected machine in each of the local 18 gas stations. Result showed that 1 tested specimen exceeded the national standard limit by +0.35%; though this did not affect the rights of consumers, Consumer Council had written to the concerned oil company to accurately adjust its petrol machines. The oil and petrol industry is advised to carefully monitor the accuracy of petrol machines for the sake of protecting the rights of consumers. Consumers are also welcome to approach the Council should they have any doubt or question about the operation of petrol stations.

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