To prepare for 1st May festive holiday, Consumer Council, Economic Services Department (DSE), Macau Government Tourist Office (DST), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Judiciary Police (PJ), Public Security Police Force (PSP), Macao Custom Service and Provisional Municipal Council (IACM) met earlier to discuss measure on protecting consumer rights and combating 'unscrupulous shops'. In order to enhance the knowledge of 'Adherents' and 'Certified Shops' about intellectual property, and to improve professional knowledge and service quality of retail salespersons, Consumer Council and representative from Macao Custom Service reached a mutual agreement on the meeting to co-organize talks for 'Adherents' and 'Certified Shops' of the Council about regulations concerning intellectual property in Macao. Participating departments agreed to keep on strengthening communication and cooperation with one another, especially in protecting the interests of tourists in Macao, and to work closely and enhance their surveillance work during this peak shopping season. Further, business owners in all industries, especially restaurants, are called on to take note that price setting is regulated by law in Macao (Section 8, Article 3 of Decree Law No. 16/96/M), business owners should abide by this. Businesses, especially 'Certified Shops' and 'Adherents', should let customers well informed of the prices charged. Consumer Council will also assign its staff to receive consumers' phone calls during '1st May Golden Week' (11AM-18PM, 30th April to 1st May, office will resume service on 2nd May). For enquiry and complaint, please call 8988 9315.