The online quiz on the knowledge about 'Consumer Arbitration Centre' co-organized by Consumer Council and Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ) has ended. 20 winners have been drawn by members of the General Committee of Consumer Council and the list of winners is now posted on the organizers' websites. The mentioned online quiz co-organized by Consumer Council and DSAJ lasted one month and over 9,200 entries were recorded to have correct answers to the questions. Each winner is awarded MOP1,000 cash and the list of winners has been posted on the Council's website ( and DSAJ's website ( Winners of the online quiz are: 周李淑芬、WONG KA CHON、陳智佳、IU CHI HANG、賴志勇、黃嘉雯、凌子欣、甘柏盈、郭愛琳、林惠琼、馮慧嫦、吳培行、CHAN SAI ON、張華龍、Ha Sao Kun、屈志碩、施惠瑩、Wong Yung Mui、Iao Pou Kun及 IAO MEI KUAN。 For inquiry, please call Consumer Council at 8988-9315.