Tourism Authorities of Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Macau held a work meeting in Zhuhai, on March 27, to set the plans for 2012 joint promotional activities and the tourism contingency mechanism for the three regions. Zhuhai Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, assumed chairmanship this year of the cooperation mechanism between the tourism authorities of the three cities, presented the plan of joint promotional activities for 2012, which includes, in April, a promotional seminar in Mainland China about the tourism of the three regions; and in August, a joint marketing activity in India. It is also planned for this year the production of marketing materials to promote the three destinations, enabling visitors to easily identify the regional attractions and better prepare its travel itinerary. Due to the increase of multi-destination tourism demand and number of visitors in the three regions, the tourism authorities agree that it is necessary to strengthen cooperation and improve industry management, to ensure the quality of the tourist services in Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Macau, as well as to set a joint tourism contingency mechanism. The meeting started with a Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) presentation about the joint promotion activities' achievements in 2011, namely in the Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macau, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Jiangmen joint marketing activities, held last March, in Southeast Asia. Also last May, during a tourist marketing event of Hubei Province in Macau, it was held a meeting between the tourism authorities of Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macau and Hubei to increase the number of visitors to the region by taking advantage of high-speed train Wuhan -Guangzhou and Guangzhou-Zhuhai, and to enhance tourism cooperation in the Pearl River Delta and Mainland China. A promotional event in Nanjing under the tourism theme of Sun Yat-Sen and the hundredth anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution was also conducted to promote the three regions. In February this year, it was organized a joint marketing event at Lisbon Travel Market to promote a multi-destination product of the three cities. The meeting was attended by the Director of MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes, the Director of Zhuhai Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Liu Fuxiang, and Deputy Director Wang Chunjiang, and also by the Director and Deputy Director of Zhongshan Municipal Tourism Bureau, Che Wei and Dong Zuwen respectively. Under the Cooperation Memorandum, signed in 2006, the three regions increased the tourism cooperation, under the promotional theme of the Fragrant Hill region and historical links to Sun Yat-sen, in Mainland China and overseas to create a regional tourism hallmark. In the last six years, the three destinations had carried joint tourist promotions in Wuhan, Nanjing, Taipei, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain and other countries to attract new visitors from overseas and Mainland China to visit Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Macau.