Consumer Council pays attention to price trend of all consumer goods, long-term and individual projects are therefore constantly adopted for the improvement of the Council's work on collecting price data. A price survey on milk tea was conducted by surveying prices of milk tea in 35 randomly picked local cafés; survey result showed that over half of the surveyed cafés had not changed their prices for milk tea in the last two months. The Council reminded food establishments that any updated price lists or menus must be submitted to the license issuing department for record. Many consumers have reflected that prices of food sold in local cafés have been raised apparently after Chinese New Year and hope that the Administration could pay close attention to it. Consumer Council started its price survey on milk tea last December. Prices of milk tea for take-away from 35 local cafés were collected in December 2011 and February 2012 respectively. Result of the price survey showed that 18 out of the 35 cafés had not changed their prices for milk tea during the surveyed period. 13 cafés had raised their prices for milk tea for MOP1.00, 4 others had a price increase of MOP0.50; the percentage increase ranged from 5% to 12%. The Council indicated that as Macao is a free market, businesses have the right to determine the prices of their goods and services, however, in accordance with Article 35 of Decree Law No. 16/96/M, hotels and food establishments should submit their price lists or menus to the license issuing department and the license issuing department must be informed of any changes in the price lists as well. Café is one of the food establishments regulated by the above-mentioned Decree Law. Consumer Council conducted the price survey by purchasing beverages for take-away on the spot, and differences were noted between the actual selling prices and prices listed on the menu at those cafés. Though food establishments are free to determine their prices, the Council indicated that in accordance with Decree Law 16/96/M, any price changes or surcharge added are required to be stated on the menu and the license issuing department must be informed of the updated menu. Meanwhile, consumers have the right to pay according to the amount stated on the menu, otherwise, consumers may lodge their complaints with the Council or the license issuing body. For inquiries, please call Consumer Council at 8988 9315.