The 38th National Congress of the Portuguese Association of Travel Agencies (APAVT) was held December 6 to 9, at the Portuguese historical city of Coimbra, with a Day dedicated to Macau, under the partnership with APAVT as Favorite Destination for 2012. Among the promotions activities organized by Macau Government Tourist Office to celebrate the Macau Day, held on December 8, there was a Macanese food lunch offered to the more than 400 congress participants and guests, including Coimbra City Hall president João Paulo Barbosa de Melo, Portugal Center Region Tourism president Pedro Machado, APAVT president Pedro Costa Ferreira, TAP vice-president Luiz Mor, the Macau Special Administrative Region Office in Lisbon head Raimundo do Rosário, and the Macau Tourism Promotion and Information Center in Portugal coordinator Rodolfo Faustino. On the Macau Day guests were greeted by Macau university students doing Chinese calligraphy and drawing demonstrations, and Dragon Dance exhibitions performed by the She-Si Dragon Team, from Oporto.