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Consumer Council conducted price survey on beverages

Consumer Council conducted a price check on 12 brands of beverages from 23 retail outlets earlier. Survey result showed that price differences from 23 percent to about 200 percent were recorded for the same product sold at different retail outlets. Survey data has been uploaded to the Council's 'Specific Product Price Platform' website and is also available in the Council's 'Supermarket Price Information Platform' iPhone and Android apps. The Council collected prices of 12 brands of beverages from 23 supermarkets and convenience stores on 3rd December. Surveyed items include soft drinks, bottled water, beer and other kinds of beverages. The current survey revealed that 3 of the surveyed beverage brands, namely 'Cool Distilled Water/750ml', 'Bonaqua Mineralized Water/770ml' and 'Watsons Water Pure Distilled/430ml', recorded significant price differences of over 100 to 200 percent. Price differences of about 40 percent to less than 100 percent were also recorded in other beverage brands. The current survey also revealed that selling prices of beverages at convenience stores were generally higher than those at supermarkets. Consumers are advised to check with the data provided by the Council on its website ( and its 'Supermarket price platform' apps to make price comparisons. The specific price survey on beverages is now available on the Council's website ( For enquiry, please call 8988 9315.

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