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Long term mechanism cultivates talents for Macao

The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, disclosed today that a commission for talent development would be set up to provide more training opportunities for talents to enhance the qualities of the people of Macao. Mr Chui said he would personally chair the commission, to be established next month. Responding to media questions on the policy of talent cultivation, Mr Chui said a long-term mechanism to effectively administer the cultivation of talents was one of the important policy blueprints for the next fiscal year, which begins in January. The commission for talent development would be set up to launch programmes that focus on cultivation of outstanding individuals, professionals and skilled personnel.
Mr Chui also said that a study on population policy, conducted by the Office for Public Political Research, would be completed in the new year. He met with the Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Wang Guangya, in Beijing during his annual duty visit earlier in the week. In the meeting, Mr Wang had said conditions should be reported in detail to the state leaders, regardless whether they are good or bad. Mr Chui said he would accurately report the reality of Macao developments and problems that had arisen, as he had always done in the past. Regarding public opinion polls on the performance of the Chief Executive and the Macao Government conducted by academic institutions, Mr Chui said he has been monitoring different public polls conducted by various institutions since 2009, when he was elected the Chief Executive. He said he accepted critics and would study criticisms with caution to see if they could help make improvements. On the demonstrations today, on Macao Special Administrative Establishment Day, Mr Chui said he respect that the people have freedom of expressing their opinions in legal and peaceful ways. He added that the Government had listened to and collected people's opinion and analysed them.

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