The Chinese, Portuguese and English editions of Macao Yearbook 2013, an annual publication compiled by the Government Information Bureau (GCS) of the Macao SAR, will hit the shelves tomorrow (11 November). The Macao Yearbook is a comprehensive chronicle. It outlines major events, details of progress achieved, and changes made in the course of Macao's political, economic, social and cultural development, with the aim of promoting Macao and providing detailed information and data for all who wish to study and understand Macao. Published annually since 2002, the Macao Yearbook is available in Chinese, Portuguese and English. It is divided into foursections: Administrative Priorities of the MSAR Government; Calendar of Events; Review of the MSARin 2012 and Appendices. This year's Chinese edition comprises 466 pages with over 200,000 words, Portuguese edition 577 pages, and English edition 533 pages; the yearbook is enriched by 148 photographs. Consisting of 16 chapters, the Review of the MSAR presents information on the political and administrative system; legal and judicial system; external relations; economy; gaming industry; tourism; public order; education; culture and sport; health and social welfare; media, communications and information technology; land, infrastructure, housing and public utilities; transport; geography, environment and population; religion and customs; and history. To illustrate various aspects of the latest developments in the MSAR in a visual way, the Government Information Bureau jointly organised with eight local photography organisations and four news media organisations a photographic competition entitled "Precious Moments in Macao" in early 2013. The yearbook has been enhanced by 8 of the winning entries. The Macao Yearbook 2013, together with a complimentary CD-ROM containing the PDF version of the yearbook, can be purchased at the following places at 120 patacas per copy: major local bookstores; the Government Public Information Centre at Rua do Campo; and the Macao Post Office (Macao Post)'s Philatelic Division, Rua do Campo Branch, Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Branch, Macau International Airport Branch, and Nova Taipa Branch. During the promotional period lasting until 31 March 2014, a 20 percent discount will be offered to any purchase of Macao Yearbook 2013.
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