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Results of visitor expenditure survey for the 4th quarter 2014

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that total spending (excluding gaming expenses) of visitors in the fourth quarter of 2014 amounted to MOP14.05 billion, down by 13.9% from MOP16.32 billion in the fourth quarter of 2013. Spending of overnight visitors totalled MOP11.06 billion, down by 17.7% year-on-year, while that of same-day visitors increased by 4.2% to MOP3.00 billion. Per-capita spending of visitors was MOP1,757, a decrease of 20.2% year-on-year. Total spending of visitors for the whole year of 2014 reached MOP61.75 billion, up by 3.7% from MOP59.54 billion in 2013, with that of overnight and same-day visitors rising 2.6% and 9.1%, at MOP50.88 billion and MOP10.87 billion respectively. Per-capita spending of visitors for the whole year of 2014 was MOP1,959, down by 3.5% year-on-year. Analysed by place of residence, per-capita spending of visitors from Mainland China was MOP2,038 in the fourth quarter of 2014, a drop of 27.3% year-on-year, and spending of those travelling under the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) decreased by 10.0%, at MOP2,618. Per-capita spending of visitors from Singapore and Malaysia increased by 10.2% and 5.1%, at MOP1,977 and MOP1,718 respectively, whereas that of visitors from Japan (MOP1,716), Taiwan (MOP1,510) and Hong Kong (MOP912) registered year-on-year decrease. Visitors from the United Kingdom had relatively high per-capita spending among the long-haul visitors, at MOP1,518, up by 19.0% year-on-year. Per-capita spending of overnight visitors dropped by 18.4% year-on-year to MOP3,082 in the fourth quarter, and that of same-day visitors decreased by 8.9%, at MOP679. Despite the decrease of 26.1% and 14.1% year-on-year in per-capita spending, overnight and same-day Mainland visitors still had the highest spending of MOP3,587 and MOP815 respectively, while per-capita spending of overnight and same-day IVS visitors reached MOP4,632 and MOP1,368. Moreover, per-capita spending of overnight visitors from Taiwan and Singapore was MOP3,262 and MOP3,168 respectively. Analysed by consumption structure, visitors spent mainly on Shopping (45.3%), Accommodation (26.9%) and Food & Beverage (19.9%) in the fourth quarter of 2014. Per-capita shopping spending of visitors dropped notably by 27.4% year-on-year to MOP796, and the preferred shopping items included Local Food Products (26.1%), Jewellery & Watches (18.6%) and Cosmetics & Perfume (16.9%). Analysed by place of residence, visitors from Mainland China spent an average of MOP1,079 on shopping, fell by 32.8% year-on-year, while that of IVS visitors reached MOP1,648. Meanwhile, long-haul visitors spent primarily on Accommodation and Food & Beverage. According to the results of Visitors' Comments Survey in the fourth quarter, about 88.2% of the visitor-users were satisfied with the services and facilities of hotels, up by 2.3 percentage points from the third quarter, and 82.0% complimented about the services of shops, up by 0.7 percentage points. On the other hand, 40.4% of the visitors commented that points of tourist attractions were adequate, down by 6.5 percentage points quarter-to-quarter, while 18.8% considered that public transport services should be improved, up by 1.8 percentage points.

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