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CCAC to carry out investigation into incident involving 16 plots of leased land

A Notice was issued by the Chief Executive to the CCAC today, requesting the latter to carry out a full investigation into an incident recently in the limelight involving 16 plots of land leased by the government. The Commissioner Against Corruption has therefore issued, according to Law no. 10/2000 (Organic Law of the Commission Against Corruption of the Macao Special Administrative Region), an order to carry out an investigation into the incident concerning the said 16 plots of leased land. Once any illegal acts or disciplinary offences are identified during the investigation, the CCAC will deal with them according to law. CCAC will also review the legality and rationality of the concerned administrative procedures, and provide necessary recommendations for improvements. The CCAC will, upon the completion of investigation, notify the Chief Executive of its findings in accordance with the legal provisions and make a timely announcement to the public.

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