Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) held the prize-giving ceremony for photo competition, student drawing competition and trophy design competition of 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest today (23 June). The ceremony was held at Tourism Activities Centre. MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of Youth Activities Centre of “Exterior Port” of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Chan Wun San, Acting Chief of Cultural Events Department of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Paula Lei, Acting Head of Navigational Channels Division of Marine and Water Bureau, Lao Weng Yu, Head of Department of Cultural Activities and Recreation of Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Choi Chi Hong, Acting Director of School of Arts of Macau Polytechnic Institute, Dai Bai Sheng as well as photography and media representatives awarded prizes for photo competition, student drawing competition and trophy design competition of 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest. The list of awardees is published on MGTO website and the awarded works are displayed at the lobby of Tourism Activities Centre starting from today (23 June) to 26 July. Macau International Fireworks Display Contest organized by Macau Government Tourist Office is a spectacular annual event of Macau. The splendid fireworks displays by fireworks teams from around the world attract numerous visitors and residents every year. To enhance residents’ involvement in this event and provide them an opportunity to utilize their talents and creativity, MGTO organizes photo competition and student drawing competition every year for Macau residents, and the trophy design competition is also included since 2013. Awarded works of the trophy design competition may even be used as the design of trophies to the winning teams of the fireworks display contest in the following year. 27th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest photo competition, student drawing competition and trophy design competition are now open for entries and welcome all residents’ participation. Regulations and application forms (in Chinese and Portuguese) of the competitions can be viewed and downloaded from the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest themed website: http://fireworks.macautourism.gov.mo. MGTO will continue to organize diversified activities for residents and visitors, to immerse the whole city in a festive atmosphere and attract more visitors from around the world. This press release is available at: http://industry.macautourism.gov.mo/en