The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan, was in Beijing to foster closer co-operation with Mainland authorities in food safety and environment protection. The visit on 1 June took Ms Chan and her delegation to the China Food and Drug Administration, the State Forestry Administration and the General Administration of Quality Supervision. Ms Chan exchanged views with the Director of the China Food and Drug Administration, Mr Bi Jingquan, on the sharing of food safety information, supervision and management in production, distribution and consumption, establishment of food security standards, and the training of personnel. In the meeting with the Director of the State Forestry Administration, Mr Zhao Shucong, Ms Chan introduced Macao Government’s efforts in environment protection and thanked the Administration for its help during the transfer of the pair of giant pandas, a gift from the Central Government which started meeting the public in Macao this week. Mr Zhao expressed his full support for the diversifying features in parks in Macao, strengthening education in environmental conservation, and training of specialists in identifying species. After the meetings, the delegation also visited the General Administration of Quality Supervision, where Ms Chan exchanged views with the Deputy Director, Mr Mei Kebao, on inspection and quarantine, food safety, prevention of bird flu, changing the supply of live poultry with frozen ones in Macao, and an increase in the supply of agricultural produce from the Mainland. The both parties were in agreement with building a long-term communication mechanism. Ms Chan was accompanied on this trip by the Chief of Office of the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Iao Man Leng; President of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Mr Vong Iao Lek; and consultants from Ms Chan’s office.
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