A charity classical music concert was held in the Grand Hall of the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) earlier this month. The first part was a series of performances by IFT students and faculty with pieces such as Sonata No. 4 in A flat major from Beethoven played by Christine Zhen, El Tango Para Violin by Orientango played by IFT Invited Assistant Professor Suh-hee Choi, and the IFT Chamber Music Club playing three pieces inspired by the Super Mario Bros video game. The second part featured Ms. Abia Ng, a renowned young pianist and composer who played one of her own compositions and a piece by Turina. The concert was a fund raising event, the profit of MOP 293,105.41 generated was donated to two charities, namely Christians in Action and Orbis Macau. This event was designed, planned and held by Tourism Event Management Year 2 Class A students. It was also one of the celebratory events of IFT 20th anniversary.