Prof Shigefumi Mori, a world-renowned mathematician and recipient of the Fields Medal in 1990, will give the first lecture of the University Lecture Series, titled ‘Algebraic Geometry – How I Became Fond of It’, at the University of Macau (UM) on 2 June. He will talk about his passion for mathematics and the beauty of algebraic geometry. The talk will take place on Tuesday 2 June in Room G062 in Anthony Lau Building (E4) from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. It will be conducted in English, with simultaneous interpretation into Cantonese. Advance registration is required due to limited seating. Those interested please complete online registration at https://isw.umac.mo/evm/register/smori. For enquiries, please call 8822 4392 or email to uls@umac.mo.