The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac, has met with representatives of the city’s six casino operators, when they exchanged views on upward mobility of their employees. Mr Leong said the Government placed great importance to the workers’ career in the industry, such as the opportunities for upward and horizontal mobility, saying it was one of the factors to consider in the mid-term review in the industry. The review is scheduled in 2015 and 2016 to get a closer look on the city’s six gaming concessions which will expire on between 2020 and 2022. In the meeting held on 22 April, he said he believed the operators would strive to build a solid foundation in the industry, even though it underwent a period of consolidation, provide more on-the-job training to workers as a preparation for developing more non-gaming elements. The Labour Affairs Bureau and the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre would give their full support in training. The Labour Affairs Bureau together with the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau would pay close attention to casinos’ operation in protecting the rights of the workers. The Government would continue to keep in close touch with the labour associations to get better grasps of their working condition, he said. Representatives of the operators said they would provide more opportunities for workers with the completion of new projects. Officials who were at the meeting included the Director of Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau, Mr Manuel Joaquim das Neves; the Director of Labour Affairs Bureau, Mr Wong Chi Hong, together with representatives from SJM Holdings Ltd., Wynn Resorts (Macau) Limited and the other concessionaires.